

Oerlikon has made excellent progress toward its sustainability goals

Oerlikon published its Sustainability Report 2022, outlining its strong progress, particularly in its environmental metrics, and achievements of the company in environmental, social and governance topics.

A Journey of Sustainable Innovation 

Excellent Progress in Sustainability Targets1

  • Oerlikon now among the top 10% of the best-rated companies in the industrial sector in terms of sustainability, following rating upgrades in 2022.
  • Improved on all operational environmental targets, notably: +25 sites with energy management systems (EnMS), +5 sites using solely renewable electricity, -16.9% in GHG emission intensity2 and reduced waste disposed to 28%.
  • Increased R&D investments in sustainability products to 73%.
  • Reduced total accident frequency rate by 15% to 0.75.
  • Defined sustainable procurement roadmap for 2022 to 2030.

“We are pleased to have made excellent progress toward our sustainability goals and are now among the top 10% of the best-rated companies in the industrial sector in terms of sustainability following rating upgrades,” said Georg Stausberg, Chief Sustainability Officer and CEO of Oerlikon’s Polymer Processing Solutions Division. “We improved on all our environmental targets – from increasing the implementation of energy management systems and share of renewable electricity to decreasing emission intensity and share of waste disposed.”

Georg Stausberg - CEO, Polymer Processing Solutions Division © 2023 Oerlikon
Georg Stausberg - CEO, Polymer Processing Solutions Division © 2023 Oerlikon

Presently, 55 of Oerlikon’s sites have EnMS in place, which represents a third of all sites and covers 71% of Oerlikon’s global energy consumption. These systems allow the Group to better manage energy usage and to identify opportunities for improving energy efficiency and conserving energy. Such systems also support the decision making for the purchase and use of renewable sources of electricity. After adding another five sites, Oerlikon has to date a total of 18 sites that uses electricity solely from renewable sources. Oerlikon also succeeded to reduce its GHG emission intensity from 60.9 to 50.6, representing a 16.9% reduction, and lowered its share of waste disposed from 42% to 28%. As a technology innovator, Oerlikon increased its R&D expenditure from 72% to 73%, developing sustainable products that help customers save energy, reduce waste and/or avoid emissions.

In 2022, Oerlikon strengthened its diversity through actions and programs. While facing challenges in a predominantly male-dominated industry, Oerlikon slightly increased the percentage of women in management and leadership roles from 12% to 13%. At the 2023 Annual General Meeting of Shareholders, a new female Board member was elected, and by that, 25% of the Board is now represented by women. In addition, Oerlikon celebrated the International Women’s Day and Pride Month, and organized its 2nd Diversity Conference with disability as the theme. In addition, Oerlikon is a signatory to the Equal Voice initiative, underlining its commitment to enabling and encouraging equal voice for each and every person.

Prof. Dr. Michael Süss -  Chairman of the Board of Directors & Executive Chair © 2023 Oerlikon
Prof. Dr. Michael Süss - Chairman of the Board of Directors & Executive Chair © 2023 Oerlikon

“Governance remains a key priority. Since taking on the role of Executive Chairman, I have personally met with key stakeholders to listen to their feedback,” added Michael Suess, Executive Chairman of Oerlikon. “As a direct result, we have expanded our governance and sustainability disclosures to provide additional transparency and will continue to promote a better understanding of Oerlikon and our sustainability strategy.”

1 Compared to the baseline value.

2 GHG emission intensity is measured in tons of CO2 equivalent per million Swiss francs of sales.

Visit Oerlikon’s website at https://oerlikon.com/sustainabilityreport-2022 for the online and PDF (download) version of the report.

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