French Machinery: Christian Guinet, new Secretary General.
Bruno Ameline, the president stated “it is a great opportunity for us to welcome Christian. He fits all our requirements: a textile engineer, he joined one of our members in 1982, a great part of his experience has been as export manager in charge of the sales financing and credit insurance. We know each other very well as, within our organization, he has been President of our Promotion Committee. In that position, he organized, with Evelyne Cholet, our road shows, seminars and National pavilions in many fairs and managed our relations with the textile press.
The transition with Evelyne Cholet has been extremely smooth as they had been working together for many years.
The only sad thing, Bruno Ameline adds is that we will miss Evelyne. She joined our association in 1985 to organize ITMA 1987 and then stayed with us for 34 years. All our contacts know and appreciate her. I am quite sure they will welcome Christian who shares the same values than Evelyne. He will be a great asset to our 35 members which are exporting, all over the world, most of their machines and services worth more than a billion dollars annually.
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