Textiles & Apparel / Garment


Best Managed Companies Award 2022 (China) for Esquel Group

© 2022 Esquel Group
Esquel Group won the China Best Managed Companies Award 2022 in the Deloitte Best Managed Companies (BMC) program for its management excellence.

The Group received the accolade at the annual BMC awards ceremony 2022 and management symposium on August 12. The event was jointly organized by Deloitte, Bank of Singapore, the Business School of Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Harvard Business Review and the Federation of Shenzhen Commerce with the purpose to integrate resources across the globe to help participants identify areas of management improvement, accelerate their globalization, and provide a platform for Chinese private companies to exchange ideas with outstanding global enterprises.

The award recognizes Esquel’s remarkable management ability and practice based on its strategy, capabilities, commitment, and financial performance, along with its success in investment in people development by reinforcing eCulture and Creativity 2000 program. Esquel believes everyone has the potential to be an agent of positive change to create a resilient and inclusive business, and a brighter future for many generations to come.

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