Techtextil 2024
SA Dynamics receives Innovation Award

SA-Dynamcis' patent pending aerogel textiles made from renewable raw materials offer outstanding thermal insulation, are extremely light and completely biodegradable. With a team of two chemists, an aerospace engineer and an industrial engineer, SA-Dynamics has achieved a breakthrough that enables the economical production of flexible aerogel textiles. Maximilian Mohr, Chief Technical Officer (CTO) at SA-Dynamics, adds: "Our aim is to validate our material in applications and bring it to market with the support of our pilot customers from the construction and textile industries. In doing so, we want to make a significant contribution to climate protection and resource efficiency."
The Aachen-based start-up SA-Dynamics is made up of researchers from the Institute of Textile Technology (ITA) and the Institute of Industrial Furnace Construction and Heat Engineering (IOB) at RWTH Aachen University.