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Michelle Robertson to become adidas Executive Board member responsible for Global Human Resources

The Supervisory Board of adidas AG has appointed Michelle Robertson (48) as Executive Board member, responsible for Global Human Resources, People and Culture, effective January 1st, 2024. Michelle Robertson, a British national, has been with adidas and previously Reebok in different HR roles for more than 18 years. Since July 2023 she has already been leading Global Human Resources at adidas on an interim basis reporting to CEO Bjørn Gulden.

“We are extremely pleased that we can appoint another strong internal candidate to our Executive Board. We are also happy to have the important Human Resources function back on the Board level. With her profound HR expertise, genuine care for people and passion for the brand, Michelle will help us to further strengthen adidas’ position as one of the best employers globally”, said Thomas Rabe, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of adidas AG.

Bjørn Gulden stated: “Michelle has done an excellent job taking on the interim lead of our Global HR function. She knows the industry, she knows the company, and most importantly, she knows our people. I couldn’t ask for a better partner to make sure that we continue to be a people-driven, diverse and inclusive workplace.”

Michelle Robertson added: “I am hugely excited about this opportunity. adidas is already such a great place to work. Together with this incredible team of 60,000 passionate and talented adidas employees I am looking forward to making us even better.”

As of January 1, 2024, the company’s Executive Board will consist of Bjørn Gulden (Chief Executive Officer and Global Brands), Arthur Hoeld (Global Sales), Harm Ohlmeyer (Chief Financial Officer), Michelle Robertson (Global Human Resources, People and Culture) and Martin Shankland (Global Operations).

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