Research & Development


Cooperation between ITA Group and Wazir Advisors

From left: G V Aras (ITA's Strategic Advisor for India), Varun Vaid (Business Director Wazir Advisors), Prashant Agarwal (JMD, Wazir Advisors) and Dr Thomas Gries (Head ITA Institut) at the Digital Capability Center, Aachen © Wazir Advisors
ITA Group and Wazir Advisors will jointly offer services in the areas of sustainability, digitalisation and contract research in the future. Wazir Advisors is one of India's leading consulting firms specialising in the textile and apparel industry.

With this partnership, Wazir Advisors aims to offer the Indian textile and apparel industry modern services on the Indian subcontinent to Indian manufacturers of technical textiles. The competencies of the two partners - Wazir Advisors offers a deep insight into the regional industry, ITA Group the technical knowledge - are a good prerequisite for a successful partnership and a high industry benefit. The assignments in India will be carried out in coordination with ITA's Indian consultants - G V Aras and Dr Mohit Raina.

Commenting on the partnership, Prashant Agarwal, Co-Founder and Partner, Wazir Advisors, said, "Sustainability and digitalisation are no longer just buzzwords, but immediately actionable for the textile industry. Pressure from global buyers, as well as anticipated legislation in developed countries, will drive the industry to adopt sustainable manufacturing processes sooner rather than later. With rising manufacturing costs, labour shortages and the need for faster decision-making, digitisation is taking centre stage in the industry." He added: "At Wazir, we are committed to being part of the industry's growth and have therefore partnered with ITA Group in Germany, to provide world-class consulting services to our clients."

According to Professor Dr Thomas Gries, Director of the ITA Institut für Textiltechnik of RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany, which is the core of the ITA Group "the entire industry is on the cusp of a major transformation. New products and processes that are compliant with ESG standards will be the only way to success for the industry in the near future. Asian countries have so far used the cost aspect, now it is time for them to think about completely different parameters to evolve. The ITA, with its world-class infrastructure, array of professionals and vast experience, is best placed to help the industry plan and implement forward-looking solutions. Our collaboration with Wazir Advisors brings us closer to industry players in South Asia so that we can serve them better."

About Wazir Advisors: Wazir Advisors is a global advisory firm based in India, providing services in the textile and apparel, consumer goods and retail, and food, agriculture and dairy sectors. The range of services includes strategy, implementation, alliances and competency development. In the textile sector, Wazir has worked with leading manufacturers, government agencies, industry associations, financial institutions, POE players, research centres and international development agencies.

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