Raw Materials
Initial 2024/25 forecast shows gains in area, production, consumption and trade
Weather is also the reason for the one cotton area that is likely to show a decline: yields, which are expected to decrease 0.12% to 768 kg/ha. Global cotton yield has been dropping since the 2017/18 season, likely due to extreme weather caused by global climate change and pest pressures brought on by adverse weather conditions, also a result of global climate problems.
Projections for the 2024/25 season include:
- Area should post a 3% increase over 2023/24 at 32.85 million hectares.
- Production is showing an increase of just over 2.5% at 25.22 million tons.
- Consumption is forecasted to increase 2.9% to 25.37 million tons.
- Trade (imports and exports) is currently forecasted to increase nearly 4% over the 2023/24 cotton season to 9.94 million tons.
Price Projections
The Secretariat’s current price forecast of the season-average A-index for 2023/24 ranges from 85.67 cents to 100.62 cents, with a midpoint of 92.20 cents per pound.
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