Raw Materials
Better Cotton renews Standard Recognition Agreement in Brazil

The agreement comes into effect retroactively from October 2024 to October 2025 and will automatically renew for an additional three years should all requirements be met.
Since 2014, ABRAPA’s Responsible Brazilian Cotton (ABR) Programme has been recognised as equivalent to the Better Cotton Standards System (BCSS), enabling domestic farmers to sell their cotton as ‘Better Cotton’ in national and international markets.
In the 2023/24 cotton season, the 440 Brazilian farms who were awarded ABR certification produced more than three million metric tonnes of Better Cotton. This means that ABR/Better Cotton-certified cotton represents more than 83% of Brazil’s total cotton production.
Better Cotton requires Strategic Partners to periodically reassess and, where necessary, realign their standards with the BCSS to maintain standard equivalence. This ensures that both standards evolve to continually support cotton farmers in meeting market demand for more sustainable cotton.??
The new standard recognition agreement reflects a continued alignment of the Better Cotton Standards System and the ABR Programme.