Dyeing, Drying, Finishing


CAVITEC and SANTEX NONWOVEN at Hightex 2005, Istanbul

CAVITEC presents the new CAVIMELT-TSM, an attractively priced hotmelt coating and laminating machine with engraved roll, in working width 500 mm. This small machine, exhibited at the fair, is ideal for sampling and for trials to identify optimal processing parameters for the production machine...

July 13 - 16, 2005
Booth No. 1.37B

presents the new CAVIMELT-TSM, an attractively priced hotmelt coating and laminating machine with engraved roll, in working width 500 mm. This small machine, exhibited at the fair, is ideal for sampling and for trials to identify optimal processing parameters for the production machine. Target customers are laminators, adhesive suppliers, and educational institutions.

A new development is the CAVI-BSC process for simultaneous both sides coating and lamination of breathable membranes.

The machine for hotmelt coating with rotary screen, CAVISCREEN, has been newly re-designed for improved coating quality and ease of handling.

Further technologies of CAVITEC are the well proven powder scattering CAVISCAT and various dot coating methods CAVIDOT for fusible interlinings (powder dot, paste dot, double dot).

SANTEX NONWOVEN introduces new applications, besides thermobonding, for its forced-through-air double belt oven SANTATHERM, such as for drying of spunlace nonwoven as alternative to sieve drum dryers, or for the production of compact nonwoven with high densities.
The SANTEX WAVEMAKER technology for vertical lapping and thermal bonding of nonwoven, as a substitute for foam material, is further developed together with the research institute ITV Denkendorf.

The stenter frame SANTATHERM for drying and heat setting is available with vertical or horizontal chain systems, for working widths up to 6,000 mm. The Aero-Surf nozzles allow a gentle web treatment.

SANTEX NONWOVEN is further offering solutions for impregnation, coating, spraying and high speed thermobonding and drying lines, with speeds up to 400 m/min.

Santex AG
CH-9555 Tobel - Switzerland
Phone: +41 71 969 1545
Fax: +41 71 969 1520
E-mail: e.weiss@cavitec.ch
Internet: www.cavitec.ch
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