Dyeing, Drying, Finishing
Twice the capacity and a softer hand

Lack of space. That’s the problem many companies have to face, which means the actual issue of where to placemachinery. On the other side, Biancalani has realized that line made of two AIRO®24, the Tandem version, is simply perfect for certain markets as per its versatility and productivity. That is how AIRO®24 DUETTO ends up becoming the ideal solution as it consists the “hearts” of two AIRO®24 – the main parts – assembled with the purpo of optimizing space, one of the most valuable asset.
The fabric is processed inside the upper part of AIRO®24 DUETTO first, then in the lower part for complete and effective double drying and softening action. Basically, for double production capacity.
Biancalani has worked hard to concentrate the capacity of two AIRO®24 tumblers as per softening and drying action and productivity in super compact size. Even the overall height is not really the one of two machineries, but more in the range of one. As usual, the result of Biancalani R&D work is innovative and it got brand new patent: great satisfaction for Biancalani that never stops looking for new effective finishing solutions.