Textiles & Apparel / Garment
The 63rd edition of Filo closed with positive results

Visitors have particularly appreciated Filo Capsule Collection, the collection of fabric samples carried out by Filo by using the materials proposed by the exhibitors, which have been produced by implementing the best manufacturing techniques and thanks to the collaboration with Tessitura Zanello and Ricamificio Vittorio Vanoni, and the support of ITA-Agency.
The flow of buyers was continuous over the two days of exhibition and the number of foreign visitors that participated in the 63rd edition of Filo has been high. In addition, the strong collaboration between Filo and ITA-Agency enabled to organise a delegation of buyers comprising thirty-five professionals and journalists working in the industry coming from France, the U.K., the USA, India, Denmark, Germany, Portugal, Spain, South Korea and Belgium.
Thanks to the activities of the Integrated Textile Supply Chain Project (PIF) of Piedmont Region, funded by the ERDF 2021-2027 Regional Operational Programme and implemented through Ceipiemonte – the Regional Agency for Internationalisation, the 63rd edition of Filo was attended by buyers coming from Denmark, Finland, Ireland and the U.K., as well as by a top-level delegation from Tunisia, led by the Ambassador of the Tunisian Republic in Italy, aiming at illustrating partnership opportunities among Tunisian companies, Piedmont and Italian companies.
Paolo Monfermoso, Responsible of Filo, declared: “The 63rd edition of Filo has closed by performing positive results. Despite the difficult situation of the international economy, also affected by significant geopolitical issues, Filo once more has proved to be a point of reference for the industry. The exhibition is appreciated for its effective approach, based on the belief that only work, the ability to focus on quality, sustainability and product innovation allow to face markets’ downturn. Therefore, according to the views of some exhibitors, positive signals are coming from the job done during the two days of Filo63, since textile professionals and buyers know well that at Filo, they can find here top-quality collections and services aiming at making collaborations and matching between supply and demand of yarns and materials easier’.
Manufacture has been at the core of the 63rd edition of Filo. A lot has been said during the Opening Ceremony, entitled ‘The Art of Manufacturing from Yarn to Fabric, from Ideas to Production: How to turn creativity into products’. In his video message, the Italian Minister for the Environment and Energy Security – Gilberto Pichetto Fratin – emphasised how the value of manufacturing is enhanced by “a unique and united supply chain – thanks to its top-level quality – intrinsically sustainable, also able to overcome market’s traps, such as giving importance just to price.” While Matteo Zoppas, President of ITA-Agency stressed the importance of “the support towards companies and exhibitions in promoting Made in Italy on international markets.” In addition, Zoppas has confirmed that, generally speaking, TA industry’s exports are not showing any signs of slowdown “although the situation needs to be assessed sector by sector.” The importance of trade fairs for manufacturing companies and beyond was underlined by Raffaello Napoleone, who spoke at the Opening Ceremony in his capacity as President of IT-EX, the Association that brings together Italian organisers of international fairs, which Filo has recently joined.
Pier Francesco Corcione – General Director of Unione Industriale Biellese –highlighted that it is “combining successful experiences with the ability to innovate and to raise competences of workers is crucial for the growth of this industry. Innovation and training’s excellence are strongly interlinked in manufacture.”
“Filo represents an excellence in the international trade fair panorama, a reference point for the textile sector and a showcase of manufacturing skills that make Piedmont, Italy and therefore Made in Italy the real protagonists worldwide. With a Cabinet that strongly believes in the potential of Italy’s manufacturing ability, as Region we continue to strongly invest in training and in companies’ internationalisation, since competitiveness goes through quality, innovation and competences’ excellence,” as the Vice-President of Piedmont Region, Elena Chiorino, declared.
Paolo Monfermoso highlighted: “Manufacture is always at the core of Filo, since companies participating in it are manufacturers. In this edition, however, we decided to emphasise some specific technical aspects, the importance of processes, leading us first to create Filo Capsule Collection, an absolute innovation within the international exhibitions’ panorama, and then to dedicate the Opening Ceremony to manufacture. Filo has confirmed its role as a working platform for the meeting of supply and demand, but also as a platform able to stir up dialogue on the main topics concerning the future of our industry.”
The 64th edition of Filo will be held in September 2025 on the 10th and the 11th at Allianz MiCo – viale Eginardo – Gate 3 – Milan.