Gerber sets up fashion industry for success with key software solutions

According to McKinsey, The State of Fashion 2021 report, the pandemic has increased the demand for digital transformation, which is why Gerber’s latest releases are focused on better integration and more automation from design to production. With the AccuMark Product Family, February 2021 edition and YuniquePLM version 8.11, fashion companies will be able to easily transition to a demand-led model while improving remote collaboration and overall working conditions.
“We are committed to being the partner the industry needs which is why we work closely with our customers on every release,” said Melissa Rogers, Senior Vice President and General Manager for Software at Gerber. “The fashion industry is facing a challenging time as they recover from the pandemic and look to the challenges that are ahead. We really wanted to make sure that they have the solutions and support they need to keep their doors open and build a foundation for a successful future.”
The latest release of the AccuMark family of products is heavily focused on better integration with tools their customers are already using and ease of use. AccuMark February 2021 will include additional partnerships to strengthen the end-to-end process and offer improved online help with more video content that will ensure users are getting the most out of their software. The release will play a key role in helping fashion companies improve material utilization, gain better insight into jobs and increase transparency across the entire workflow.
AccuMark February 2021 will improve both the mass production and on-demand workflows. On the on-demand side, users can expect an improved product development workflow that will include higher quality visuals which will allow more details to be shared with designers.
For mass production, the process from nesting to production planning is now entirely automated allowing for increased time and material savings, reduced errors and more transparency. Users will also have new cut plan strategies that will allow them to increase production.
"AccuMark improves our daily workflow from trying new design options and pattern manipulation to reducing samples and material costs,” said Jeffery Diduch, Senior Vice President of Design at Hickey Freeman. “The Gerber team has been incredibly helpful throughout the entire process, helping us understand the best way to use AccuMark every day as well as finding ways to improve the tools and features we use to ensure our future success.”
“After working with 3D as much as I have this year, I honestly can't live without it,” said Lisa Lowell of LNS CAD Services. “I have much more confidence in the patterns that I produce because I have the ability to put them on the Avatar first and see how it's all going to go together. From a patternmaking standpoint, this is really a powerful tool to make sure it's going to fit first.”
Gerber has also released a new version of their cloud-based product lifecycle management (PLM) solution, YuniquePLM. The new release will empower remote work and make collaboration easier. The latest release includes several new features that will enhance the Adobe® Illustrator® plugin Image & Style App, improve navigation and make it easy to remain productive no matter where you are in the world. YuniquePLM provides regular, free updates and allows users to get up and running quickly with little to no IT support.