Smart Textiles


Tex­tile ETP Annual Con­fer­ence 2023 and iTechStyle Summit: Call for abstracts open

© 2023 Textile ETP
Textile ETP and CITEVE's iTechStyle Summit invite the submission of original abstracts to the 5th International Conference on Textiles & Clothing, held alongside the 17th ETP’s Annual European Textile Conference and General Assembly, on 10-12 May, in Porto, Portugal.

iTechStyle Summit 2023 and ETP’s Annual Conference will focus on three big themes: Green and Digital Transition, Smart Local Production and High-performance Materials, and will address four topics:

  • Eco-design: Sustainable product parameters, digital product creation & virtual optimisation, direct design to production
  • Digital Product Passport: Regulatory requirements, new product and data standards, smart data collection, accessible digital tools and platforms
  • Smart Manufacturing: Energy/Water/Chemicals efficient processes, automated production & robotics, digital micro-factories, Skills and learning factories
  • Performance Materials for Future Products: Bio-based materials, high-performance fibres & textiles, e-textiles and wearables, repair and recycling of technical and smart textiles

We are now opening the “Call for Abstracts” until 24 February and inviting you to join our panel of experts from multidisciplinary research and application areas that will share their knowledge and experience in these fields.

For more information about the proceeding, please visit the official website:

Watch this space for more information about registrations. We hope you will join us in Porto!

Rules for Submission of Abstracts [for oral presentation or poster exhibition]

  • Download the abstract template here:
  • Title, followed by the authors (first name and surname), institutional affiliation and their respective email addresses.
  • Abstracts in English not exceeding 3000 characters.
  • Abstracts must be original and have not been previously presented or published. The abstract is the responsibility of the author(s). Check that the abstract does not contain misspellings, grammatical mistakes or scientific errors.
  • When submitting your abstract, you should indicate the corresponding topic.
  • Send your abstract by email to with the subject “iTechStyle Summit – Abstract Submission”
  • Optionally you can send a pdf file that can help on the evaluation process.
  • Failure to comply with these rules will lead to the non-consideration of the proposed work.

Important Dates:

  • Abstract Submission: from 9 January to 24 February 2023
  • Results Communication: until 10 March
  • Final Versions Submission: until 7 April

Should you need more information, please contact us at

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