Two new logistics halls at the SGL sites in Innkreis, Austria

The construction of the two logistics halls was necessary because the handling volume of raw materials and semi-finished goods has increased significantly due to the strong growth of the last three years. At the same time, more and more space was used for new production facilities that had previously been used for logistics. After almost 5 months of construction, the hall in Ort was now officially opened last week.
"Thanks to the new logistics hall, we are creating the necessary space in existing production halls to be able to handle new customer orders and continue on our growth course. At this point, we would like to thank our facility management team and the external craftsmen who implemented the hall according to plan," adds Robert Hütter, Managing Director and Head of Site Location.
The inauguration of the new hall took place together with the annual summer party of the two Austrian sites in Innkreis, with which the two site managers Robert Hütter and Herwig Fischer would like to thank all their colleagues for their commitment.